1. Boost Your Corn Yields with Drones and Agremo's AI Analytics
20 apr 2023 · In this post, we will explore how Agremo, a leading AI analytics platform, can help corn growers boost their production.
Corn has been the number one grain since 2022, with a 1.2 billion metric tons production expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% up to 2027. Corn is the primary protein feed crop for all animal farming. As the population and incomes rise, the demand for meat products and corn also increases. Since land
2. Added Individual Modifier (AIM) - ProAg
Added Individual Modifer is a supplemental product to ECO. The AIM policy extends the ECO coverage to include the grower's harvested production.
Added Individual Modifer is a supplemental product to ECO. The AIM policy extends the ECO coverage to include the grower’s harvested production.
3. About - James Cropper
With a presence in over 50 countries and an international workforce, James Cropper has been at the forefront of material science and innovation since 1845.
4. [PDF] → Deep dive: Corn production in the Upper Midwest, USA
The initiative awarded approximately US. $2.6 million to grants that conduct targeted outreach and provide technical assistance to farmers, support the ...
5. Assessment of UAV-Based Deep Learning for Corn Crop Analysis in ...
Flying closer to the target improves resolution, but higher speeds generally result in less overlap between images, leading to a mosaic with fewer data points.
Crop segmentation, the process of identifying and delineating agricultural fields or specific crops within an image, plays a crucial role in precision agriculture, enabling farmers and public managers to make informed decisions regarding crop health, yield estimation, and resource allocation in Midwest Brazil. The crops (corn) in this region are being damaged by wild pigs and other diseases. For the quantification of corn fields, this paper applies novel computer-vision techniques and a new dataset of corn imagery composed of 1416 256 × 256 images and corresponding labels. We flew nine drone missions and classified wild pig damage in ten orthomosaics in different stages of growth using semi-automatic digitizing and deep-learning techniques. The period of crop-development analysis will range from early sprouting to the start of the drying phase. The objective of segmentation is to transform or simplify the representation of an image, making it more meaningful and easier to interpret. For the objective class, corn achieved an IoU of 77.92%, and for background 83.25%, using DeepLabV3+ architecture, 78.81% for corn, and 83.73% for background using SegFormer architecture. For the objective class, the accuracy metrics were achieved at 86.88% and for background 91.41% using DeepLabV3+, 88.14% for the objective, and 91.15% for background using SegFormer.
6. Is continuous corn production possible? - Bayer Traits
10 mei 2021 · The short answer is yes. But if you're thinking about continuous corn, you definitely need to know what you're getting into first.
May 10, 2021
7. Farm, conservation groups aim to double cover crop acres by 2030
16 feb 2022 · Three major farm groups are hoping to double the amount of cover crops planted in the United States through an initiative targeting ...
Three major farm groups are hoping to double the amount of cover crops planted in the United States through an initiative targeting Midwestern corn and soybean farmers that relies heavily on state-level affiliates to develop cost-share and educational programs.
8. [PDF] ID-139: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
target crop. Fall is usually a good application time. Ag lime will begin dissolving immediately. Fall weather is usually bet- ter for spreading lime while ...
9. [PDF] Crop Rotation on Organic Farms A Planning Manual - SAI Platform
system of the grain will help build soil quality.” This page is from Crop ... D-, use grain crops or sweet corn in rotation with beet to decrease root ...
10. Climate Change and U.S. Agricultural Exports - CSIS
24 okt 2023 · On the other hand, half of the IRA's agriculture funding lies in conservation programs, which aim to assist individual farmers engaging in more ...
This report examines how global rising temperatures will fundamentally change one of the U.S. economy’s foundational sectors as crop yields become less efficient and livestock suffer more killing-degree days and individual severe weather events.
11. Sweet corn growing - NSW Department of Primary Industries
A well-prepared, finely tilled seed bed is essential to: assist crop establishment; kill germinating weeds; provide good soil moisture at planting time; suit ...
The sweet corn industry in New South Wales is expanding - benefiting from increasing domestic consumption, export development and import replacement. Also, it is an attractive crop for producers to grow because:
12. [PDF] 2023 Cornell Guide for Integrated Field Crop Management
Our aim is to ... † Not for sale or use in Nassau or Suffolk Counties. Page 13. 56 CHAPTER 3 – CORN GUIDELINES. 2023 CORNELL GUIDE FOR INTEGRATED FIELD CROP ...
13. [PDF] S54 Diagnosing Corn Production Problems in Kansas
This publication will help in diagnosing likely causes of slow growth, distorted appearance, off-colors, injury, and death of corn plants from planting through.
14. [PDF] Farm Size and the Organization of U.S. Crop Farming - USDA ERS
acreage for corn reflects harvested corn acreage only, not harvested acreage of all crops on farms ... support when prices are below target levels. Marketing ...
15. Insider Tips for Maximizing Crop Yield - CROPLAN Seed
They blow in with Southern winds and target corn acres that are surrounded by fields of broadleaves. ... help you manage your corn crop to its fullest potential.
Achieve optimal agricultural yield and ROI by leveraging our data-backed recommendations for managing CROPLAN products. Make informed agronomic decisions for success.